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Does food and writing share things in common? Anything? Of course writing and food have many things in common.

Cook Books.. Duh!! Okay now you probably saw that coming but there writing and food connect deeper then that. The way I see it is that the process of constructing a writing piece or cooking a meal mimics each others ways. For example, when you write an essay, you have to plan ahead and brainstorm some ideas. With cooking, that is just basically gathering all of the possible ingredients you might end up using. When it comes down to writing, you are throwing your ideas onto paper; in cooking you are letting your taste buds and sense of smell take over. When it comes time to do some peer review in the writing process, the reviewer usually finds minor errors and politely informs the writer about errors they may have not seen. You usually don't cook there perfect meal the first time you try it; normally you and other people will taste it and say next time it could be better. The constant improvement in writing for that final draft symbolizes the strive for making that perfect batch of food.

Also food is a type of art in which the cook creates a piece of work they thought of, just like an article. The ideas that occur in the brain when someone is writing is very similar to when someone is cooking; it's different for everybody. This is why you see different types of writers who approach writing in different ways; just like how you have cooks who prepare in different ways than others. The scheme of things is that once someone has that idea in their head whether they are cooking or writing, the art will translate either onto paper of the kitchen table. The importance of this is that new styles of writing and different tasteful recipes emerges.

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