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Nutrition on Deployment

Through personal experience, interviews with veterans, and scholarly research, my claim is that nutrition on deployment is sufficient enough for combatants to sustain a healthy enough lifestyle to not only endure, but thrive through rough conditions.

There has been many speculations saying that MRE's aren't good for you, but scientific research proves that the only side effects that could happen is constipation. The addition of laxative gum in the MRE's fixes the problem. MRE's last up to years and they provide around 1250 calories of exactly what a soldier needs during physical activity.

Other rebuttals came about such the lack of electrolytes in the field since all they drink is water. Well the military provides electrolyte tablets that dissolve in their water so they can get replenish themselves with the electrolytes they lost.

Sport supplements have been provided to numerous combat units with the intention of enhancing their performance. Protein, multivitamins, and pre-workout are the most commonly used.

With the advancement of technology, food is able to last longer without giving soldiers diseases. Electrolyte tablets are provided since there are no Gatorades in the field. Sport supplements are provided to further improve their performance.

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